USC List of Approved Assemblies
10th Edition Manual - 2020

The Tenth Edition introduces several new chapters to aid you better in understanding backflow and running a successful cross-connection control program.
Chapter 3, titled Hydraulics, is completely new to the Manual. This chapter covers an introduction to hydraulics, detailing pressures, flow and general characteristics of water in various pressure conditions.
Chapter 4, titled Elements of a Program, lays out the desired elements of a cross- connection control program: Authority, Backflow Preventers, Certified Tester and Specialists, Defensible and Detailed Records and Education and Training. The chapter then discusses policies and procedures to help the cross-connection control administrator in the day-to-day operations of a cross-connection control program.
Chapters 6 and 7 include information on facilities and equipment to help the Specialist prepare for site surveys.
Chapter 8 contains samples and forms. This gives the Specialist examples of letters and forms that may be used in the cross-connection control program. Most of these are available to download digitally with purchase of the Manual.
Chapter 9 covers the field test procedures. There are some changes to these procedures. As with the Ninth Edition, each step of the field test procedure is illustrated. Additionally, complete illustrated RP procedures are included for a five needle valve gauge, a three needle valve gauge and a two needle valve gauge. The double check valve assembly, pressure vacuum breaker and spill resistant vacuum breaker include the five needle valve gauge format only. However, for those steps, where there is a difference in the procedure when a different style gauge is used, an inset is included showing how both the two needle valve gauge and the three needle valve gauge are to be attached.
Chapter 10 includes the standards for backflow prevention assemblies, but the point of most interest is the new standard for field test kits.
The Manual also includes access to digital copies of a model ordinance, forms and letters found in Chapter 8 as well as an archive of backflow incidents found in Chapter 11.

2020 USC Manual - 10th Edition Manual of Cross-Connection Control - Click to Preview

2020 USC Manual - 10th Edition Manual of Cross-Connection Control - Click to Preview